
Living the Adventure: Ephesians

The course consists of 46 lessons of 25 minutes in length. The course teaches the essential apostolic foundation which the apostle Paul received through the grace given to him, by Jesus Christ. The benefit of taking this course will give...

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George Runyan gave his life to Christ in (1958). He received his calling from the Lord in 1960. He was ordained 1973. He holds a BA in Theological Studies and a Master of Theological Studies (MTS).

George has been involved with planting churches nationally and internationally. He is Founder and Director of City Church Ministries, networking with hundreds of pastors and civic leaders throughout the San Diego region. He is a Faculty member of Vision International University where he serves on the Board of Regents. George has a strong healing ministry and in 2000 he started the San Diego Healing Rooms and helped to establish the East County Healing Center in El Cajon, CA.

He is known for his strong apostolic teaching ministry. He is well received across denominational lines as he focuses on the Lord’s church in cities and regions. George is working with ministers from other cities who carry a similar vision for a united church in the locality. His passion has been to see the walls of separation between churches, ethnic groups, and civil government broken down.

George is also known for his mentoring of men of all ages. He has worked with the Men’s ministry at the Rock Church in San Diego since 2005. He mentors many youth leaders from different youth ministries in the San Diego region.

George has authored a number of booklets, training materials, and has three books: the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, Developing Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit and Fit For Engagement. He has been a radio broadcaster for many years. He has a business background, having begun two successful electronic businesses. This has provided many opportunities in the market place for both consulting and sharing biblical principles to develop kingdom based businesses. This has also provides opportunity for “market place evangelism.” He serves on a number of 501 (c) 3 non-prophet boards.

George and his lovely wife Becky have eight children, nineteen grandchildren, and one great granddaughter. They reside near San Diego, California.