In this two part series, Pastor Sandra Kouri shares her wonderful common sense insight married to strong biblical application on how we ought to love one another. Pastor Sandra will explore who our neighbor actually is and give us the…...
THE NON-NEGOTIABLES OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY- APOSTLE GEORGE KOURI WRITTEN COURSE In this written course, Apostle Kouri in great detail expounds on what is the Non-Negotiables of Apostolic Christianity covering the following. 1. The Lord entrusted the revelation of the mysteries…...
THE LAST DAYS ACCORDING TO JESUS/VIDEO SERIES-APOSTLE GEORGE KOURI Jesus declared that The sign of the Son of Man in heaven, the abomination of desolation, and the great tribulation spoken of by the prophets of Israel would be fulfilled in…...
Course Description: This video course is Apostle/Bishop George Kouri’s powerful exposition of Acts 2 in which he deals with the “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” on the day of Pentecost which was actually the inauguration of Messiah’s day or the…...
In this 36 part audio teaching series, W. J. Ern Baxter, a true apostolic and prophetic father and a forerunner of the present Apostolic Reformation (“Ern” Baxter was to the present apostolic reformation what John the Baptist was to the…...
RULING THE NATIONS THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING In this very important and timely teaching, Apostle George Kouri labors in the word of the Kingdom to unveil the importance of prayer and fasting in relationship to the fulfillment of the Church’s responsibility or mandate…...
Ern Baxter audio series: The King, The Kingdom and the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, The Neglected Person The King and The Holy Spirit Kingdom and The Spirit Historically Kingdom and The Spirit Ideally … This content...
HOSPITALITY THE HEART OF GOD: SANDRA KOURI We further believe that the message of the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets has been unveiled or fulfilled in Jesus Christ, His Kingdom, and His Church, and that the Canon of the New…...
HOW JESUS BECAME KING, THE FORGOTTEN MESSAGE OF THE FOUR GOSPELS? In his critically important book, “How God Became King,” Anglican scholar, Bishop N.T. Wright, boldly declares that “the forgotten message of the four Gospels is the good news of…...
DR. JIM BRADSHAW-VIDEO SERIES, SPIRITUAL WARFARE COURSE DESCRIPTION: These series of videos are lessons on the topic of spiritual authority in relation to God, public authorities and authorities within the life of the Church. The student will discover how to…...