Showing 1-10 of 165 results

The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation

September 14, 2020

Click to open/download PDF From the very beginning, cranks and crackpots have attempted to use Revelation to advocate some new twist on the Chicken Little Doctrine: “The Sky Is Falling!” But, as David Chilton shows in this careful, detailed exposition,…...

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Q & A: The Kingdom and The King

September 1, 2020

Q & A: The Kingdom and The King Welcome to the relaxed and unscripted Facebook Live Q &A session on the Kingdom and the King hosted by Prophet Shane Mason with special guest Apostle George Kouri from https://www.facebook.com/shane.mason.357 on Sunday,…...

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Roadmap to Reformation, Dr. Lynn Hiles’s Prophetic Study of Ezra and Nehemiah

August 30, 2020

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In Dr. Hiles’s 14 part revelatory study of Ezra and Nehemiah (also dealing with the restoration prophets Haggai and Zechariah) Dr. Hiles deals with the reformation of Old Covenant Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple and the…...

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The King, The Kingdom, and The Holy Spirit by Ern Baxter

August 7, 2020

“THE KING, THE KINGDOM, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT” is a powerful apostolic and prophetic series of messages preached by Ern Baxter on the role of the Holy Spirit in Christ’s Messianic Kingdom. In Romans 14:17 the Apostle Paul declares that…...

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The King and His Army by Ern Baxter

August 6, 2020

“The King and His Army” is a powerful prophetic series of messages that Ern Baxter delivered in England about rediscovering the “Kingship of Jesus” and the “Reformation of New Covenant Israel” so that the allotments that make it up can…...

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The Spirit Of Faith – Dennis Davis

March 27, 2020

https://www.facebook.com/goldieden/videos/10221675861147517/   Don’t miss this encouraging and inspiring word on the “spirit of faith “ from my long-time friend and colleague, Dennis Davis. Dennis is a seasoned, well-tested, and proven apostolic-prophet or prophetic-apostle, who heads Open Wells Ministry in San Antonio…....

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The Non-Negotiables of Apostolic Christianity

March 4, 2020

Course Description: Authentic Apostolic Christianity, the Christianity of Jesus Christ and His original apostles, is based or founded upon the New Covenant in the body and blood of Jesus, which is actually the “ratification” or “fulfillment” in history of the Eternal Covenant…...

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Paul and the Fullness of the Gentiles Video Course

February 28, 2020

Course Description: Romans Chapter 11 is the Apostle Paul’s great commentary on the famous, but often misunderstood, saying of Jesus of Nazareth about Jerusalem “being trampled under foot” and “the times of the gentiles.” This critically important saying is recorded…...

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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

February 26, 2020

Course Description: One of most important, most often misunderstood, and most controversial teachings of Jesus Christ and His original apostles is their apostolic teaching or doctrine of “the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” It is well-known fact…...

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True Greatness Series

February 26, 2020

Course Description: “TRUE GREATNESS” is a Biblical study on the “GREATNESS PRINCIPLE”. In this video and PDF course we will explore what Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures have to say about true greatness, and finding significance, meaning, and joy by serving others. From 1970 to 1972…...

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